If you have recently lost a loved one, please accept our sincere condolences. We know that this is a difficult time. We are here to be a source of comfort for you. When someone dies, it is rare that anything financial must be done immediately. Probate, bill paying, taxes and the like can wait. Now is the time to take care of yourself and your loved ones and to honor the deceased.
Once the funeral or disposition of the body has been completed, the family will receive a death certificate from the funeral director. Once you have this you can begin the process of handling the deceased person’s property according to the Will, or if there was none, according to state law.
Every estate is different, just as every person is different. We meet with families at their convenience to review the Will (if one exists), compile and review an asset list, and to guide you through the process of finding assets, valuing them, reporting them on the appropriate tax returns, paying creditors, filing claims, paying taxes and distributing property to the heirs. You maintain control at all times, signing each and every check, and approving all bills. We work with you at your pace, in the way most convenient to you – whether by email, phone, regular mail or in our offices.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your estate administration needs.
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